JK 1/24 Cheeta 21 rental car with Hawk 25 motor and .015" red painted body

JK 1/24 Cheeta 21 rental car with Hawk 25 motor and .015" red painted body
  • JK 1/24 Cheeta 21 rental car with Hawk 25 motor and .015" red painted body
  • JK 1/24 Cheeta 21 rental car with Hawk 25 motor and .015" red painted body
  • JK 1/24 Cheeta 21 rental car with Hawk 25 motor and .015" red painted body

JK 1/24 Cheeta 21 rental car with Hawk 25 motor and .015" red painted body

Ref.: JK-2040731R
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Rental car with Cheeta 21 Chassis, Hawk 25 Motor, 1/8" Axle, 48 Pitch Gears and Wonder Rubber Tires. Ref.: JKP-2040731R


  1. 1
    JK Hawk 25 motor, 25.000 RPM